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Binomial name: Ulms davidiana
Family: Ulmaceae
Japanese name: Harunire
English name: Japanese Elm
Description: Nire (Elm) is a deciduous, broad-leaved tree. There are two species. One is harunire (Japanese Elm) which blooms around April and the other is akinire (Chinese Elm) which blooms around September. In general, a simple expression of nire is harunire which grows in northern parts of Japan, while akinire, seen mostly in the Tokai region in central Japan and to the west, is also called nirekeyaki. Both harunire and akinire are used as bonsai materials because their leaves are small, their bark surface gets rough in the form of scales and it is easy to use the toriki air-layering process on them of developing roots by peeling the bark off the trunk. Harunire branches out well. Its branches are so flexible that branch fibers can be used to produce ropes. Its yellow-green flowers are not so eye-catching. But its yellow leaves in autumn and fine branch shapes in the winter deciduous tree are attractive. Harunire is resistant to cold and also worm-resistant, so it is relatively easy to cultivate. Growers need to pay full attention not to cause mizugire water shortages because its roots grow strongly and suck up water very well.
Viewing season: Year round (May for green leaves, October-November for yellow leaves)

translated by Kyodo News
