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Binomial name: Acer palmatum
Family: Aceraceae
Japanese name: Irohamomiji
English name: Japanese Maple
Description: Momiji is the other name of irohamomiji, which is the leading species of the kaede genus of trees commonly known as maple. As a bonsai material, yamamomiji is used in general. Yamamomiji whose English name is also Japanese Maple grows wild mainly in areas along the Sea of Japan coast. It is the leading species for zoki deciduous-tree bonsai. Among popular bonsai items is kiyohimemomiji which is a yatsufusa dwarf variety, and deshojomomiji whose fresh buds are reddish. Growers should select momiji trees with small leaves and many fine branches. Autumn leaves of momiji are beautiful, needless to say, as are the fresh greens of a young momiji and white bark of an aged one in winter. In winter, vertical stripes appear on the white bark of an aged momiji tree after defoliation. The wide leaves block rainwater from soaking into pot soil. So, mizuyari watering is essential even in the rainy season while paying full attention to the condition of container soil. If momiji suffers a mizugire water shortage in summer, the leaf tips would frizzle and the beautiful autumn leaves cannot be seen.
Viewing season: Year around (January-February for deciduous trees, May for fresh greens, October-November for autumn leaves)

translated by Kyodo News
