Care in Winter: Water and Love
Winter in Shikoku is not as hard as that in Knato and Tohoku region where drop to sub-zero everyday. It Is not necessary to protect bonsai from the coldness. But it is better to move it to a sunny spot and put a shohin under a shelf to be sheltered from big wind. We interviewed Kiyoshi Hiramatsu, Seijuen bonsai garden in Takamatsu’s Kokubunji town about cares in winter.
Water If Soil Dry
It Is not necessary to water bonsai everyday in winter. If the soil in a pot gets dry, it is good time to water. In the case of deciduous tree, some people think the tree is dead when the leaves fall in winter. Be careful to give water for the tree.
The best time to water is in the morning or daytime with sunshine. Sometimes tree will be frozen by the coldness in the night, so do not water in the evening. In addition, be careful soil drys easily on a windy day.
Hiramatsu says, “In Shikoku, summer is harder than winter. Especially in the heat season from June to August, tree burns sometimes. So watering and covering is important.”
Some Sensitive to Cold
In winter, it often blows a sudden strong wind. The high trees and light trees as Bunjingi fall easily by the wind and some branches may break. It is better to tie them to shelves in advance.
Some species are sensitive to the cold as Kinzu (Fortunella hindsii), Murasakishikibu (Japanese beautyberry), Sarusuberi (crape myrtle), Umemodoki (Japanese winterberry), and Isozansho (Japanese pepper). Put them under the shelves to be sheltered from cold wind or sunny spot. Sometimes it is good to move it inside.
Hiramatsu says, “Winter is also hard for fanciers but the care in this season makes beauty in spring. Some one says you should be crazy about bonsai. Please give your lots of love like your child.”
(By Shigeo Hano)