Kandaka Fukushoen bonsai garden careshop

Bonsai trees fill shelves at Kandaka Fukushoen bonsai garden.

Guide to Kandaka Fukushoen

Kandaka Fukushoen is at the midpoint of the bonsai street running from route 30 to Kinashi Ueki Bonsai Center. At the garden, there is a huge bonsai of Japanese black pine whose height is 125 centimeters and width is 250 centimeters. This is the symbol tree over 200 years old. This tree is popular in customers from China and Taiwan. He transplants it once every 5 years by use of lift.

The garden is located along the bonsai street and he welcomes visitors who drop in. In the garden, there is a range in size from shohin to large. The percentage of species are 60% Japanese black pine, 30% Japanese white pine, and 10% cork bark Japanese black pine. The products are selling at the garden by retail and wholesale. In addition, he lends some bonsai and garden trees to public offices and Japanese restaurants. He exchanges bonsai once every 10 days and customers doesn’t have to do anything. The third owner, Tsuyoshi, is working hard on the lending trees.

He served as head of Kagawa Prefecture’s Kinashi Ueki Bonsai Center from 2004 to 2009. Kandaka keeps up a tradition as a leader of the bonsai industry in Kinashi area having over 200-year-old history. He is widely respected for his gentle personality.

He has been giving bonsai lessons to children at a local elementary school for 10 years and the kids call him “Bonsai ojisan (man).” He says gently, “Among them, I hope to bring up a successor of bonsai.”

Brief comments from the owner

Kinashi town has 200 years history in bonsai. Please enjoy walking in Kinashi, the town of healing.

Information & Map

Address418-3 Yamaguchi, Kinashi-cho, Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Telephone and FAX numberTEL/FAX:087-881-3812 (from Japan outside Takamatsu)
   81-87-881-3812 (from outside Japan)
ownerKunihiro Kandaka
Born Oct. 29, 1942, Kunihiro is the second owner of Kandaka Fukushoen bonsai garden