The 11th Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention & Exhibition (ASPAC) Takamatsu 2011 Program

We are pleased to report that the 11th Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention & Exhibition in Takamatsu was successfully concluded on November 21, 2011.
Thank you for your support to the ASPAC Takamatsu!

11/19[Sat]Suiseki lecture

PlaceSunport Hall Takamatsu Small Hall 1
DateSaturday, November 19
Timefrom 2:00pm to 4:00pm
LecturerMr. Arishige Matsuura
Mr. Arishige Matsuura
He has a lot of experiences as lecturer, and his suiseki lecture was also held in the 10th ASPAC in Taiwan in 2009.He serves as the owner of Kan-Koen, the vice president of Nippon Suiseki Association, the international consultant of World Bonsai Friendship Federation and the director of Raisanyo-Kyuseki Preservation Society.
SubjectTo be determined.
(It will be announced on the website as soon as we decide.)

If you would like to attend this lecture, please come to Small Hall 1 directory. Please show your registration card to the staff at the entrance.

[Facility Information]

Sunport Hall Takamatsu

Sunport Hall Takamatsu Small Hall 1

4th floor, Hall Tower of Takamatsu Symbol Tower
(on the south side from elevator hall)
300 seats

Sunport Hall Takamatsu
2-1 Sunport, Takamatsu, Kagawa, 760-0019

For inquiries, please call to 81-87-813-1787.(Office of ASPAC Takamatsu Conference Organizing Committee)